Friday, October 27, 2006
i just wanted to let all of you know,
that you've touched me
in every way possible,
like never before.
i'll never forget that cheer.
2:38 PM
to TWOTEN: i'm really glad we've all solved all of our differences and stuff. and although it was hard during that period of time when everyone sort of disliked each other and there were many quarrels very often but we've all tide over that! (: accepting each other, making up, all the little bits of things that just make us TWOTEN.
i really agree with heng. our class has a very unusual combination of personalities. but no matter what, we've still managed to gel together, haven't we? we all have our own way of handling things, and isn't that what makes us special?
i think that winning the first prize for the sandwich-making contest is really the best closure to this year. we've hardly ever won anything since sec one, except perhaps HAMPER WRAPPING! and yes, thanks to all those who put in effort in making the sandwich! (:
i'll always hold these memories that we've all shared close to my heart. and let go of all the bad experiences we've had. because all i want to remember of TWOTEN is that it's beautiful. and honestly, this is the first time i've ever been so attached to a class.
of course, we can never forget dotty (: for being soooooo patient with us! it's not easy trying to hold a discussion with the WHOLE class with 36 people and all of them are all talking among themselves. but you've been able to tolerate that and forgive all of us. not to mention eating in class, switching places, using handphones during lesson time. -ahem- although you still do report to sunlao sometimes but i think the whole class understands that it's ur responsibility! (: and i really admire how responsible you are :D
i hope that none of us has any regrets. it won't be nice leaving the class with any regrets (cher, yours is not counted okay! :D), whether it's towards the teachers or even classmates. even if there are regrets, i think it's time to just throw them all away and just work really hard and do our best to create the last and best impression others have of TWOTEN. afterall, this may just be our last chance.
i love twoten, i really do.
and i know for sure that i'll miss each and everyone of you.
for how unique the other 35 people of you out there!
<3>to 7ofus! :
who would have thought we would ever be able to get along sooooo well! :D
but really, i've learnt alot and gained many experiences from being with y'all (: be it tolerance, patience, sharing, caring or whatsoever, it's reallyreallyreally just wonderful and of course FUN! to be with the other 6 of you! :D
heh heh of course we have our bitchy times where we -ahem- gossip about each other and sometimes leave others out unknowingly but we've got over that phase! and i think we've really improved under each others' criticism. so it's not such a bad thing afterall, is it? :D
thanks for never failing to put a smile on my face when im in the baddest of my moods. and tolerating my nonsense of course (: thanks for understanding and just thankyou for your company (: because that's really all that matters.
it has been a really fulfilling last week with y'all. this whole week, i just remember laughter and more laughter just by being with all of you (excluding the whole one hour today)! all the crap and nonsensical things we do that make each other laugh, i appreciate EVERY MINUTE OF IT! not to mention TODAY (: although cher and charis weren't there but stil we've gotta learn how to live with what we've got! :D awww. cher and charis should have been there! ): it was soooo fun ( and embarrassing) !
NOT FORGETTING THE CAKE FIGHTS :D i never knew cake-smearing WAS SO FUN! :D new discovery (: but it's who we're with that makes it fun, isn't it? what a pity few tenners joined it ): i guess they didn't wanna get dirty! too bad to amina and iris who brought garbage bags but still got dirty in the end :P it just wasn't fair! :D so we tore the garbage bags! AHAHAHHA! the class got dirty too and we had to clean up! D: thats the not-so-nice part ):
thankyou bianca, nana, charis, cher, jas, trish (ROOT OF ALL EVIL!) for all the fun you've brought into my life! :D
i love 7ofus! <3
12:18 PM
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
100TH POST! :D
haha okay today was our last paper! (: but it doesnt feel like exams are over =/ seriously lah. it doesnt feel like we had a paper today, it feel a bit empty... like, there's something i ought to do but have not. okay, weird. maybe i mugged too hard already. and perhaps got used to it =/ but it was only for like two weeks WHAT! ):
rah. NO SCHOOLS FOR THREE DAYS :D heh heh heh! can watch videos :D :D :D
anyway, we went out today! (: as usual, orchard lah. where else. watched JOHN TUCKER MUST DIE! :D damn nice! omgomgomgomg :D i feel like watching it again (: heh! it's damn funny lah! yet sad ): me trish nana and charis cried! and the other three -ahem- heartless people didnt! ):
heh. anyway im going back to watching my videos (: maybe i'll post more... tomorrow (: when im bored :D
5:52 PM
Monday, October 09, 2006
SERIOUSLY. I WANT TO HIT MY HEAD ON THE WALL. i can't concentrate! which is why im here blogging... cos i decided to take a rest -.- so i can supposedly concentrate better later. seriously lah. its not the mind congested until nothing can go in anymore okay. its the kind of I CANNOT CONCENTRATE ANYMORE.
and tomorrow's the last day. why cant i just put in whatever strength i have left -.- bloody hell. thats why i want to kill myself. UGH UGH UGH! im so pissed with myself =/ stupid brain! RAH. even cher is experiencing the same thing =/
good luck to my sleeping-at-2330-schedule (:
lets change that to my sleeping-at-0130 schedule (:
sounds much better. okay now that kind of relieved some stress =/ i was feeling kind of panicky :D five more minutes before im going down again. damn it. thinking about it, i didnt use the computer today! or yesterday! okay fine i did lah but a while only (: big accomplishment :D
okay toodles before my mom catches me blogging =/
1:42 PM
Sunday, October 08, 2006
tomorrow's monday! damn. i haven't finished studying =/ but im staying up till like 3 or 4 to study (: since i CAN'T study in the morning. and im serious okay. i just CANNOT study in the morning. i tried before! i'll just start stoning at the paper (: then i won't accomplish anything and i waste time! could have used that time to catch up on my sleep or study the night before (:
eh seriously i feel so much better now after catching up on my sleep yesterday and on friday lah! (: from monday to friday my brain felt like it was super congested and it felt super damn heavy. i don't know if its because i was cramming alot of crap into it or what but errr whatever (: over already i don't like to think about it (:
hahaha speaking of which, nana was saying, " eh you really throw everything away after an exam man. " everything referring to emotions blahblahblah that kind of stuff people usually discuss after they take a test or exam (: hahah cos i was telling her that i dont like to think about the exam or talk about it after it finishes! yeah. then that day, as usual, she was complaining about the paper! and talking alotalot about the questions and asking people what they're answers were! HAHA i swear its damn amusing to see her lah!
lalala (: there's no one online now and i don't know why. its quite early what. only 12.45 (: RAH HOO HOO! i feel damn bored thats why im blogging. and recently no one blogged. so yeah. finished blog surfing and stuff. rah. wanted to watch some variety show on 55 but my father changed the channel ): so nevermind. anyway i only intended to rest till 12.30 but look what im doing now -.- damn it.
ohwell (: ladeedum! i don't know what to blog anymore but i still feel like typing =/ i dont know why today my fingers feel so itchy. i think its beacuse i didnt use the computer today AT ALL. yes, IM SERIOUS OKAY (: but err i didnt do much work. because of the TV. blah the tv -.- woke up at 1, ate lunch and watched tv at the same time. bathed, intended to do work but went down to get food and ended up watching full house instead. so BLEAGH. then after full house i wanted to study but i felt sleepy and i dont know why my neck muscles plus shoulder muscles started aching quite badly. then i couldnt concentrate so i went to sleep (: slept for half an hour before my maid and mom called me for dinner. then after dinner i went to play with the cat with my maid. HE'S DAMN CUTE. OMG. hahaha then my mom fetched my brother to school for MAF and then when i came back i continued playing with the cat blahblah. then when i went up to my room i felt sleepy (again) and i didnt feel like studying (again) and so i plopped onto my bed and tried to sleep but failed. wasted half an hour lah! wth. then i went to wash my face. ladeedum. then i wasted like another half an hour then my brother called my mom to fetch him. so okay lor. then i followed, again (: then erm. when we came back i went to wash my face AGAIN. then i could concentrate better cos my mom was in my room so i had to be disciplined :D hahaha yeah then from then on i could study already! WHEEE! (:
okay maybe that para's gonna make you blind :D but anyway im going down now (:
3:51 AM
Saturday, October 07, 2006
gosh. i cant wait! (: but for now, i have to continue being in the mugger-mode! rah. some weird insect just charged at me and i dodged! (: its gross lah =/ that kind of mosquito like thingies but they have super extra long legs. i dont know what they are but they're weird! why am i using they =/ change all the theys to its (: on your own (: im lazy (: as usual!
today i slept ALOTALOT! i'm getting panda eyes ): i swear ): you know my mom asked me not to mug/stress myself so much! HAHAHAHA but i have to ): if you don't know the reason then... too bad (: it's not that i don't wanna tell lah. it's just that i know i'll get super emotional so whatever.
science on monday. i think my brain cells are gonna die. (not like they're not dead yet lah) but OHWELL. shall start memorising tomorrow. i dont wanna end up like geog lah! slept at 1.30 ): because i was still trying to cram everything inside! some people misinterpreted the question ): poor thing! but the picture was like super blur and stuff lah. and it was misleading! hopefully they'll accept those answers if many people wrote that (:
it's boring online. especially when you're trying to restrain yourself from going to youtube to watch videos. okay obviously i failed. but i succeeded in restraining myself from watching fullhouse (: wheeee monday = fullhouse! i think i'll be too tired to go out anyway ):
speaking of which, nana is sick ): poor thing! she missed math ): i dont know whats gping to happen to her overall =/
ohwell. hope she recovers soon! (:
2:26 PM
Sunday, October 01, 2006
it's only 12 plus but why does it feel like its 2?
weird. my eyes feel like dying. but i have to stay awake for at least another two hours. maybe im just too lethargic. one of the rare times when i actually feel tired. just made myself milktea! but i doubt it'll help. caffeine doesnt work on me (:
3:25 PM